cannot open directly MOI files

 From:  Rudy
Hello all, hello Michael.
This is Rudy.
Today I downlaoded the February Beta version because the inset tool is just great. So far with MOI has been a great experience and I did many projects that turned out to be great. Overall, I am ready for v2. I cannot live now without this great software, so Thank you.

So, everthing is OK.
Tonight I have downloaded the new Beta on a flash drive, as I am waiting for a new laptop. Then, Uninstalled the flash drive.

Then I have saved as STL file a project builted with the new beta on my desktop as usual (by the way, the saving in STL file was faster than usual...I mean a bit faster than I would have saved it in MOI v1).
I am not sure when I saw it (after my saving as STL file...I guess....I did closed the MOI file after that),
but when I wanted to open directly any MOI file it could not open (it says "it is not a valid WIN32 application).
I restarted the computer, and my MOI files changed apperance to Rhino file. So, I right-click on the mouse, "open with", and there is the usual list of programs...the MOI icon is actually the "Moment of Inspiration set up", there is Rhino icon, other programs, and MOI v1 and MOI v2 Beta are like a computer screen...(see jpg attached)

How can I restore my 3dm files to be open directly with MOI?

I know Michael is very Busy....if somebody can give me a hint....
Thank you
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