Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  OSTexo

I plan to purchase Octane Render shortly (as soon as distribution begins getting stock on GTX 285's), I demoed the product and found it to be capable for my needs. I also purchased Thea Render recently and have been happy with that, although the interface could use some work. Frankly I like the direction OR is headed, and I find it refreshing that there are developers out there that don't price their products into the stratosphere.

The MoI way of running things is distinctly different that the norm. Having dealt with countless software companies over the years I can say that MoI has to be in the top three for best customer experience. I think the fact that individuals from Refractive are showing up here asking questions should be some sort of indication that they want to make their product right, on a public forum no less.

While it is obvious Mr. Gibson does not need to assist Refractive it is great to see his willingness to do so. As OR solidifies, it will be interesting to see how the two applications interoperate.