Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  BurrMan
3386.88 In reply to 3386.87 
>>>>>Personally, I've always felt Michael is blessed as a software engineer who can release pretty much BUG FREE software without breaking a sweat; his betas are typically always production ready!>>>>>

It's actually a respect thing. Michael works for YEARS on something before it is released. Respect for himself...AND me. He could have released MoI along time ago (for the money). V2 has been in beta and development for 2 YEARS! I suppose he could have released IT about, oh, say 2 YEARS AGO because he wanted another pile of money. (by the way, Michael, when you release V6, can I borrow 50 bucks? :O) But in the last 2 years there have been significant changes.

Michaels method is customer related. I have chosen to be a customer, and will upgrade at every release and continue to use it. In the meantime, I am ONLY using the beta. Dont even have V1 loaded anymore. I am confident I wont be shafted at some point and have to go back to V1! (where does this confidence come from?)

The other method will ALWAYS have you in bug ridden software, or on the OLD V1 version from a couple years ago. I have experienced this many times with softwares. It's a sure fire way to loose me as a customer because that is my only recourse.

I am not saying OCTANE is not good or promissing for you or any of that. Only a "pattern" that I personally recognize as poor and avoid. It's just an opinion.

I'm glad that some will have a good solution for this type of render for themselves.