Any octane user ? Closed  Locked

 From:  radiance
3386.46 In reply to 3386.45 
Hi guys,

Those images are from a work in progress, the smooth group implementation is not finished.
People don't seem to understand things so i'll clarify them:

* I am not re-calculating vertex normals in octane, if they are present in the OBJ file, they are read and used directly for rendering. they are not modified or re-created by an averaging process.

* the images posted by philbo are not %100 in that the groups are used, but the correct splitpoints are not calculated yet. a vertex that is shared by 2 groups is currently set to the face normal, which gives the remaining facetting you see in the smoothgroup render. I'm still developing it and i need to write the code that handle these situations.

So just a bit of patience and when i'm done i'm sure it will look %100.
Phil posted those images a bit pre-maturely here, they are work in progress and clearly show that smoothing groups are the solution to the issue.
