Tool Draft

 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
3342.11 In reply to 3342.2 
Hi Michael,

Another vote for Tapered Extrusions in the next version please.

Also, a feature suggestion for the Tapered Extrusions UI too:
(Reusing the standard 'Extrude' workflow to begin.)
Select Extrude;
Select curves, edges, or faces to extrude;
Input (Extrude) Distance;
Input taper value, optionally 'by angle', or ' by distance' (from edge, at end of extrusion), or leave as zero/blank for parallel extrusion;

then, the really useful bit:
'Push Done to taper all sides [side-faces?] or Select sides [side faces?] to extrude normal.'

Attached is a simple example where the above process would have been useful; I wanted the front face to remain normal to the extrude direction so I could later add other solids to that face.

Regarding feedback and suggestions in general, could you or have you considered a or account to enable users to easily see, find and vote on what features other users would like to see in upcoming releases, rather than both you and us, (especially us) searching the forum?

Many thanks a super product. Keep up the great work.

PS - I downloaded Danny's '' and each time I try opening the file it's reported as being a corrupt zip. Any ideas Danny?