V2 beta Feb-21-2010 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
3338.41 In reply to 3338.40 
Hi Colin, thanks!

Yeah the uninstaller will not delete any files that it did not itself place into the folder at install time... I think that's a pretty common procedure for an uninstaller to be conservative about deleting files to avoid data loss.

I think Brian's issue is that he's just not comfortable navigating around the file system in general, or copying files from one folder to another folder.

In the future what I'd like to try is some kind of bulit-in plugin browser that could browse through a list of plugins that were possibly stored on my web server so that they could get updated with new ones as they are created. That should make it more generally friendly and also make it work for someone who is not able to copy files around, but the down side is that it will take a chunk of work to make a nice UI connected to the web so that's why I'm not sure exactly when that will happen.

- Michael