latest WIP after 1 hour with Moi

 From:  Michael Gibson
3322.43 In reply to 3322.42 
Hi Chris, try sending them the attached STL file, it seems to check out fine.

To generate this file, I saved to STL and for the meshing parameters I used:

Angle = 6
Avoid smaller than = 0.001

The "Avoid smaller than" parameter tells the mesher that any curved surface under 0.001 units in size should get more roughly meshed, it helps to avoid generating a zillion little teeny tiny bits here.

This STL file only has 38,442 polygons in it, so using that parameter eliminates a whole lot of tiny pieces in this case.

You may want to download the "MiniMagics" STL viewer program from here: - that's something that you can use to check the STL output and see if it can find any problems in it.

Ideally you will want to avoid making curved features that are so very small though, when you are planning on doing a 3D print of your model. That's also just modeling time that is wasted because you're going way under the resolution of what the rapid prototyping machines can actually generate.

But I hope this STL attached here will work for you!

- Michael