latest WIP after 1 hour with Moi

 From:  twofoot

This is a drawing of a Moors Valley (UK) live steam riding car. The detail level is quite simple for now. I will go back and either redo it from scratch, or see how I can modify what has been done to add rivets, boards, etc. My goal is to output an STL file and have the model made in G scale using rapid prototyping.

As for Moi, after the initial "shock" of the UI, it all started to make sense to me. I've been a Lightwave user since v5, so it took a bit to wrap my head around how it all works. But... I'm beginning to see how the software from smaller companies is actually more useful and better laid out than the so-called industry standards.

I also learned about DoubleCAD XT on this forum, and I love the way it works. It is just like AutoSKETCH R1, just before they wrecked the UI in an effort to make it "easier to use". Just like modern ATM machines, "easier" ain't always a good thing. (so thanks for the tip)

Enough of a rant, I like Moi! LOL It runs *perfectly* on my Mac under Parallels and WinXP.



PS-need a MAC beta tester Michael?

EDITED: 20 Feb 2022 by TWOFOOT