dear MOI team,
we developed a plugin that can import 3dm files into maxon cinema4d. this was mainly developed for rhino, but there are also many MOI users among the Cinema4d userbase.
now my question is:
as c4d has no nurbs and has to read polygonal data with normal tags, we use the internally stored render meshes rhino saves into the file, or custom tessellated objects.
i own also MOI and of course hoped it would work also for it. but i encountered 2 problems:
1) it seems moi does not save any render meshes into the 3dm file( or does it differently?)
2) i find no way to tessellate a geometry in writing a 3dm file. this is specially sad, as the tessellation engine of MOI is extremely good and clean. but it seem i can only tessellate when exporting to a foreign file format.
so my question would be, is it possible to add an option to tessellate the file on export also to 3dm? or is it possible to add a command to mesh objects in MOI itself,as it can be done in rhino?
maybe this both is also possible already, then excuse my questions:-)
best greetings
stefan laub