Augenblick - Version 0.8 available!

 From:  Numenus
3298.25 In reply to 3298.24 
Hey guys,

first of all: yes the 0.9.5 *ALPHA* version is quite old and does not support trimm curves! The beta which will be released on September 1st, i.e. very soon, of course does support trimming curves and works very well with various dialects of IGES, STEP and 3dm!

I just now learned, that MoI uses 3dm as file format, which is a good thing, since we should be already compatible then. It would be great if maybe someone could send me a model or two saved by MoI so that we can check this. It doesn't need to be something extraordinary cool and we will use it internally only (unless you ask us to make it available as a demo scene within our software :) ) If you have something just send it to

Considering the pricing: The Pro Version will most likely end up somewhere between 1500 and 2500 EUR. I see that this is quite a little bit much in contrast to the MoI price tag itself. That is why I would like to come up with an idea how to serve the MoI community and at the same time not cannibalizing the "standard" Pro business (and by doing so our resellers would seek out to kill us :) ).

Any ideas? Maybe a rendering plugin would be a clever solution. Is MoI actually pluggable?

Best regards,
