Photosculpt 3D

 From:  hipe-0
3293.20 In reply to 3293.18 
"The biggest benefit by photosculpt could find user who create texture and sell texture collections."

That's true!
And also many sculptor either real sculptors (wood, metal, stone using a CNC machines) or zbrush/3d coat/mudbox users are interested. :-)

PhotoSculpt is different than other texture softwares.
Because the models or textures are analysed from actual 3D data. Not 2D data. That makes all the difference for the user.

It's robust 3d recognition algorithm is entirely new, and it's the core of PhotoSculpt.

All model you create with PhotoSculpt are so detailed that you can fly between crevices, like a bee, and get real close if you want.
Of course it's always really fun to do but more than that, it shows the ultra high resolution of the software.
I think it's never seen before in this industry. :-)

Making fly-through are fun to create, I should do more. See :