Numeric Input

 From:  Michael Gibson
3289.6 In reply to 3289.5 
Hi NightCabbage,

> 1) So, is there a place or a way I can find out all of the potential
> commands or objects with which I can manipulate?
> I'm a programmer so I'm happy to get my hands dirty :)

There isn't any full documentation but you can find all the object model and properties and stuff available to script in the moi.idl file - there is a link to it here:

> 2) Also, I remember back when someone was creating a
> plugin/mod that let you write a script to create procedural
> geometry - where could I find that?

The thread for that was here:

But I don't think that Dave ever actually released it, you may want to try and contact him to ask about it.

> 3) And last but not least, are there any 3rd party scripts
> that are commonly used that I should find?

Yup, there's a good collection of them on Petr's MoI page - go to the main web page, hit the Resources link there and then the link to Petr's page is the 7th item down on the Resources page.

- Michael