Hi Michael,
First of all, thank you for extremely nice piece of tool!
I have used it a lot already since 1.0 beta without any complications but now I've run into something I can't get rid of.
Suddenly, DONE and CANCEL buttons are missing from right upper corner for all commands..???
This is a view when I pushed HIDE:
If I select items and then click right mouse button to apply DONE, it just quits command without doing anything..
If I instead of right clicking select HIDE button again, objects are brought to work space as should.
Other commands behave similarly oddly..
Now, I have already tried re-installing twice with cleaning registry with CCleaner in between with reboot.
Still the same..
I have noticed that it has not asked licence key when installing though, so maybe there is still something left in the registry to cause this repeatedly.
Any ideas?