Hello I am using MOI to translate Solidworks 2008 and 2010 files into quad geometry for rendering in Modo.

 From:  Michael Gibson
3250.6 In reply to 3250.5 
Hi skateboardkid, that's great that you have a workable method now!

A few comments:

You probably want to use File > Open in MoI to bring in the IGES file and not File > Import. The reason why is that when you use "Open", it will also set the current unit system to be the units that are stored in the IGES file.

When you use File > Import in MoI, that means to merge the file you pick with the current model instead of replacing it, which also means the the unit system setting is not taken from the file either, but the imported file is instead scaled into the current unit system unless you have disabled the option for that.

If you do that (use "Open" and not "Import") and then also set that checkbox option under Options > Import/Export > LWO options > Scale output units to meters, then you should not need to adjust any unit settings separately.

Also in MoI v2 there is an option you can set in the moi.ini file that will automatically rotate imports from IGES files - the issue with rotation is that SolidWorks puts the Y axis pointing upwards instead of the Z axis pointing upwards like most CAD programs do.

To automatically rotate IGES imports, go to Options > General, and push the "Edit .ini file" button. This will pop up the moi.ini file in notepad.

Find the section that says:

[NURBS Import]

And switch that to say =y like this:

Then save out from notepad, and then when you start MoI it should automatically rotate your IGES import without needing to do any extra rotation step.

Those are a couple of ways you can shave off some extra steps in your process, please let me know if they don't work for you.

- Michael