Hello I am using MOI to translate Solidworks 2008 and 2010 files into quad geometry for rendering in Modo.

 From:  Michael Gibson
3250.2 In reply to 3250.1 
Hi skateboardkid, I'm glad that you are finding MoI useful!

> Currently I import IGES files from SW.
> Q1.
> Does the .lwo exporter size the models based on mesh density or
> polygon count instead of actual size?

It doesn't change the size of the models based on mesh density or polygon count.

But by default it just translates coordinates directly over to the .lwo file, for unit scale to be preserved you'll probably need to set the option to scale into Meters when writing the lwo file. Some programs like Modo expect to have the data in the .lwo scaled to be in Meters.

In MoI v2 there is an option for this under Options > Import/Export, here:

In MoI v1 that is not in the dialog but I think it is still available by editing moi.ini, let me know if you need more instructions for setting that in MoI v1.

Another way you can do it is to go to Options > General and change the current file's units into Meters before exporting.

Please let me know if that does not solve your problem.

- Michael