New Jan-18-2007 beta available now

 From:  jbshorty
325.32 In reply to 325.30 
Nope, you didn't miss it. Rhino still doesn't offer direct support for alphas on picture frames or background images. The workaround is pretty simple though. first make a picture frame of that image you need (to get correct proportion). Then make a new surface by snapping to it. Then assign a texture, and also put a second image into the transparency channel. And then set that object to always be displayed in render mode (this must be done individually for every viewport for that object). It's a lot of steps, but the result is perfect. I also just realized that if the environment mapping and the gloss finish are set to zero, then the image will not be affected by shadows & lighting. And the transparency of the object can be adjusted in the properties. WHEW!!!.... That was quite the workout!!! My fingers are ready for a massage and a shower... :)
