Panel Lines - Still having trouble

 From:  Michael Gibson
3245.15 In reply to 3245.12 
Hi Ryan,

> Per Michael's request, here is my initial shape and three rails. Rails 1 and
> 2 are what I use for the sweep, rail 3 is scaling rail I'm using to widen the
> sweep a bit.

Thanks for posting those - yeah in v2 the sweep result is looking a whole lot better in its internal surface structure.

In the v2 sweep, if you turn on surface control points (for solids you usually need to use Edit/Separate first to break it into individual surfaces before points will turn on), you get this kind of result:

That's a lot better than the previous one that you did in v1 that had a lot of shearing and slanting in it.

So that's good to know that the sweep update in v2 is helping for that problem.

It looks like you have made some great progress!

One possible other general tip - you may want to focus on building something like this as 1/2 only and then mirror it at the end to produce the other half instead of working on both sides during the regular modeling.

- Michael