Unable to detect direct3d9 device?

 From:  Michael Gibson
322.17 In reply to 322.16 
I believe that this is an indication that something has gone wrong with your video driver install or configuration somehow.

The name of this error code is "D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE" - I've done some searches on "GetDeviceCaps D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE" and I've seen some mention of this error related to various games.

One thing to try is go to Start / Run and run "dxdiag.exe". There should be "Display 1" and "Display 2" tabs in there, each of which has a "Test Direct3D" button on it - give those a try and see if the tests are successful or not.

I've also seen one place where one person was able to fix their configuration by using dxdiag.exe, and pushing the "Disable" button next to Direct3D Acceleration in that same tab, then exiting dxdiag.exe, then starting dxdiag.exe and re-enabling it. Apparently this may fix some problem in the driver configuration, so that is worth a try.

The other thing that you might try is updating to the newest version of your card's video driver.

Please let me know if any of these solves your problem.

- Michael