Unable to detect direct3d9 device?

 From:  Michael Gibson
322.13 In reply to 322.12 
Hi Brovic, after some careful examination, it appears that there is a problem where MoI had 2 buffers open at the same time for a moment after resizing - the original buffer wouldn't be totally cleared until after the new one was already allocated which caused a bit of a spike in memory usage.

In most situations this was not enough to cause a problem, I've tested here on a couple of 32-meg boards (GeForce2 and an ancient ATI Rage 128) and never saw this problem, but your higher resolution screen pushes the limit more.

I've tweaked things to remove this double-simultaneous-allocation which should reduce peak video memory use by a fair chunk. Can you please download this version: http://moi3d.com/beta/vidmem_fix.zip, unzip that and update the old moi_lib.dll with the new one. Does this one seem to work better for you?

In addition to not having 2 simultaneous buffers open, it also makes an attempt at flushing resources and resetting things if it runs out of video memory which might also help out.

In general MoI is designed to be pretty conservative of video memory, so I hope that after this tune up it will work for you.

- Michael