Hi guys, it doesn't surprise me, Paulo that sT may be flakey in areas - a lot of software is advertised to do wonderful things but once you purchase the product and start using it, all the faults and limitations start to show pretty quickly...
Thanks Burrman, yes I have started using trims more and more. It was just when watching that video, I see that I still don't model in the fashion shown - creating profile curves (3 or more) and then creating sufaces from them to build up my shapes.
I need to practice more creating curves from multiple views; I typically just use planar curves for things but that limits the kinds of surfaces I start off with for my objects.
Likewise I'm still not in the habit of joining a lot of separate surfaces to build up solids - I believe that comes from when I was first using Rhino and sometimes I'd try to join surfaces and they wouldn't - I've learned a lot since then, especially now after switching to MoI, so that's a fear I can probably let go of now...
Again for me, watching that video it makes me realize I still use MoI as a polygoon modeler that just happens to have decent boolean and trimming toolsets.
At times I wish there was a "NURBS Modeling for the Poly Modeler" DVD or book to help me break my old habits.