boolean problem

 From:  Michael Gibson
3190.7 In reply to 3190.6 
Hi armin, thanks for the additional examples.

So it turns out that the problem was not caused by any changes in the most recent v2 beta, the last several v2 betas have the same behavior as well.

I'm going to keep on searching back until I can find where it changed in behavior from v1.

> I used a fillet with 0.03125 (1/32) - do we still have the
> problem with too small dimensions?

I think that should be fine... But if you go much smaller than that you may want to think about having the object scaled up.

However, I have added quite a few things to v2 so that it handles smaller sized things better in many aspects though. Like with fillet for example if you ask for a small fillet radius, the tolerance used in creating the fillet surfaces will be ensured to be some fraction of that radius value so that it basically will adapt to it. But right now not every single function has been audited for that yet.

- Michael