boolean problem

 From:  armin
3190.6 In reply to 3190.5 
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your input. I tried it in V1 and that actually worked. So I got a solution.
After I saw the results in V1, I was actually not quite pleased with the results, I mean
the looks. So I changed a few things, like decreasing the bottom radius on the cutting
tool and I also moved the cutting tools further out, for a less deep indentation.

Doing this, I thought I will try this again in V2. And ... I have two different versions.
One worked partially - looks a little bit like Brians version, some faces remained, some
didn't. The second try worked just fine.

Seems it depends on how close you get towards the center - see screenshot. I get the
impression if I get past the highlighted circle it doesn't work, if I stay outside it works?

And btw - Danny the dimensions are based on inches, but like Michael said, this shouldn't
affect the outcome. Maybe ... and I forgot about the restrictions on very small dimensions,
maybe my choice of dimensions caused the problem. If I remember right, I used a fillet
with 0.03125 (1/32) - do we still have the problem with too small dimensions?

Anyway, thanks again for your help ... and see attachments.

Image Attachments:
Size: 107.7 KB, Downloaded: 20 times, Dimensions: 556x499px