boolean problem

 From:  Michael Gibson
3190.5 In reply to 3190.4 
Hi Danny,

> Scaling the whole thing 10 times seems to fix things.

Hmmm, that is interesting as well. My current guess is that some of my messing with the analytic circle/line intersector in this recent release has hosed something up. I will backtrack and see about that and undo it if that was responsible, because I would expect for this to work, the scale of the object is not actually bad.

> What does the 'no units system' equate to, if I worked in
> mm I feel the scale of this object is way too small, but if it was
> in inches then I guess it would be ok.

The way things work in MoI (and most things), the current unit system does not actually have any effect on the numbers that are stored for x,y,z coordinates. The unit system is just a label that helps to give context to the coordinates, for communication to other people and also for conversion when combining files together.

But say you make a line starting at 0,0,0 and make it 1 unit long in the x axis direction.

The coordinates for that line will be stored as start = 0,0,0 end = 1,0,0 , no matter what unit system is used.

If you use miles, it will be stored as start = 0,0,0, end = 1,0,0

if you use millimeters, it will be stored as start = 0,0,0 end = 1,0,0

If you use "no unit system", it will be stored as start = 0,0,0 end = 1,0,0

The scale of the object being relatively large or small (as far as possibly running into fitting tolerance levels and stuff like that) would have more to do with having large or small numbers like 52512512.23 or 0.00000002412 and not really anything to do with what particular unit system is set.

The main tolerance goal is a distance of 0.001 , just as a direct number and not specifically in one particular unit system (actually I'm trying to shift more towards it being used as a fraction of the object's bounding box size rather than just a fixed distance)

This is kind of the easiest way to have things set up, because when you work with numbers you know that you are just directly dealing with the same numbers that are stored in the database (unless you have purposely asked for conversion of them by typing some different units label with the number for example).

I've seen some things set up where the database is fixed to one specific unit system. The problem with that is if you have your current units set to something else, then when you type in something x = 5,0,0 the number that actually goes into the database has to get scaled to the internal database unit system and the only time the numbers you enter go straight into the database is when you have the UI set to that same unit system...

- Michael