
 From:  Michael Gibson
3175.15 In reply to 3175.14 
Hi Burr, "Make corner points" could be a good way to phrase it.

But I'm not very sure about putting it in for the tolerance-based one, it's kind of a bad combination with that option.

The tolerance based one is oriented towards building a result that has some level of accuracy to the original one.

So for example you can put in 0.01 in there and then the generated curve will be within that tolerance distance to the original. It's a simple way to reconstruct the curve without having to try and guess exactly how many points should be used to maintain accuracy.

If corners were ignored, that means that it would be kind of like ignoring accuracy and trying to get accuracy at the same time, probably making weird results in something basic like a rectangle. It would probably have to do something like add a bunch of points in only to the corner areas of the rectangle until it the corner got to a really tightly curved bend. That's not good...

If you want something rebuilt to a high accuracy level, but also have corners smoothed, you probably should do something more like fillet the sharp corners first so that you have produced a curved shape that can then be fit to accuracy throughout its intended shape, rather than getting some kind of arbitrary weird tight bends in the corner areas.

Maybe if you could post an example of where ignoring corners with a tolerance based rebuild would be useful it would help me to understand what you are trying to do.

I don't think I have even got a way set up to do that combination currently in the tolerance-based curve fitter, because like I said it's like asking for accuracy and not-accuracy at the same time - it is just not a match with what that fitter was designed to do.

- Michael