
 From:  Michael Gibson
3175.11 In reply to 3175.10 
Hi Colin, there are actually 10 points being used in that case, just since the curve is closed the first and last point are stacked on top of one another.

So for example with a closed curve using 4 sample points would be like this:

All closed curves actually internally have their control points structured like that with an overlapping start and end point, MoI just tries to make it convenient to represent it with a single point there when editing it so that it stays closed more easily when dragging points around rather than having it pull apart.

I could update Rebuild so that it adds an extra point in for closed curves so that it would work more like you were initially expecting, that's probably a good idea.

For the moment though, just do +1 to get what you want. The previous RebuildCurve one just did that +1 automatically inside of it for closed curves.

- Michael