MoI for Architecture ( Revit )

 From:  neo
3163.23 In reply to 3163.22 
>Probably - as far as I know the nPower products use the HarmonyWare translators same as MoI. MoI uses the HarmonyWare translators for IGES, STEP, and SAT file I/O. The HarmonyWare translator libraries are packaged up specifically to coexist with the Solids++ kernel.

But I am not specifically familiar with the technical details or internals of the nPower products, you would need to ask the nPower / IntegrityWare guys to really find out for sure. (if they use HW libs for SAT in that particular product or not).

Ill ask David Gill, just out of curiosity...(I always thought they were selling their own translators.) anyway I'm happy as long Autodesk does not acquire Solid++ :)

>But also one other note - the message that you quoted asking about how to use the imported SAT data in Revit was not about a file incompatibility at all but just about what steps are needed within Revit to prepare any SAT import for use as one of their "mass" objects, rather than just a limited "symbol" type object. Just due to the way Revit's UI is set up you can't simply go directly to the import function, you have to create a new mass, _then_ import the data, and then it becomes the surface data for that mass. That's totally separate than file translation issues.

I see... sorry about that :(