Help needed with fillet tube frame intersections

 From:  Michael Gibson
3150.6 In reply to 3150.5 
Hi Leonard, give the attached model a try, it is all set up for filleting now.

I just rotated your circle by 180 degrees before sweeping it, to get the seam edge out of the way and then used Boolean Union to make it into one solid.

If you want to fillet all edges you can just select the entire piece (with just one click to give it "whole object" selection), you don't need to select each edge individually if you want to do them all.

You still can't use a very large radius though because only a certain size will fit into that area, too large and it would kind of start to have to wrap around the tube.

So for example here is at 0.03 inches:

You can possibly go a little higher than that, but not too much.

- Michael