Surface curve segment lines visible in C4D

 From:  nycL45
Thanks, Michael. Yes, I reconstructed the four principal splines with Moi3D and it definitely improved the quality.

"Once you extrude something in MoI that is made up of a bunch of little lines, it generates a bunch of little planes in the extruded part rather than a smooth extruded surface."

That's topical. I imported the all Moi cushion into C4D and at the rounded corners, the little planes are not behaving in a desired way. The normals are fine. Is this right or am I doing something wrong?

Key to pics.
Pic a, the wire.
Pic b, the light to the right "off", light above & behind "on".
Pic c, the right light on, light above & behind off.
Pic d, both lights on at same intensity.
Pic e, both lights on at same intensity but doubled.
Pic f, top view of scene


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