aligning to tangent points

 From:  Michael Gibson
3113.7 In reply to 3113.6 
Hi Mark, so I think the problem you have there is that snapping happens mostly on curves and edges - there is no curve or edge going around the perimeter of the sphere here:

So you probably want to draw some circles in there (or use the new Construct > Curve > Silhouette command) so that you have a snappable curve there.

You mentioned Rhino - but in Rhino it works exactly the same way, for the most part in Rhino as well snaps target edges and curves and not just in the middle of some surface... You will need to use the same steps for this in either Rhino or MoI as far as I remember anyway.

So what I would do would be to draw in 2 circles like this:

You'll probably also want to switch to the Top view and drag them so that they are centered instead of at one side of the sphere, like this:

Now with those circle curves in place you will be able to snap on to those areas.

Then to get your cylinder aligned, probably your best bet would be to use Draw curve > Circles > Tangent, and enter your cylinder's radius (looks like 0.0625) as the circle's radius, that will work like this:

That circle's center point is then the place you want to move your cylinder to.

Many other kinds of solids may have edges already in strategic places, but a sphere does not - it's only got a single "seam edge" on it and that was not in the area that you wanted to snap on to in this case. When that happens you just need to create some helper circles that you can work off of.

Maybe in the future I will be able to make something like an implicit silhouette on solids that you can snap on to, but that is potentially a slow process to calculate that kind of silhouette on every single kind of surface object so that's why it does not attempt to do it currently.

- Michael