aligning to tangent points

 From:  Michael Gibson
3113.4 In reply to 3113.1 
Hi Mark,

> Is there a way to do it so that MoI knows that they are touching?

Yup - that's what the Object Snap function is for.

Make sure you have it enabled, there is a button for it in the bottom toolbar here:

I would suggest generally having both "Straight Snap" and "Object Snap" enabled while you are drawing for most cases, so that you get all the helper functions kicking in to help you get accurate results.

When "Object Snap" is turned on, you can just drag one curve starting nearby its end, and it will lock your source point on to it, and then when you move nearby the end of another curve, it will snap exactly on to that other curve's endpoint as well. You will see little "End" marker tags show up to indicate that you are getting an accurate snap point, like this:

If you don't see those "End" tags, then check to see if you have disabled any individual snap types, which is on the menu that pops up from the object snap button (for an illustration of that see here: )

You can also use the Transform / Move command if you find that easier than dragging, it lets you specifically click 2 points, a base point and then a target point and will move the object to shift exactly between those 2 picked points.

You definitely should try to get an accurate placement of objects to make them actually touching using the object snap function when pickign points, instead of just "eyeballing" things.

- Michael