Looped edge selection

 From:  neo
>>>Putting advanced functionality on keyboard shortcuts is a strategy that helps me offer additional features for advanced users but at the same time keeps the overall UI streamlined and very easy to use.

I understand but in this case (Looped edge selection) an "advance" feature? functions like that should be "obvious" IMO

>>>For example you can't really work with a touch screen in front of you all day long at a desk because your arm will get too strained by reaching out in front of you all the time.

I was referring to pen tables with finger gestures combo.... and funny enough it was my doctors recommendation to use a tablet due to a wrist problem I had...I'm telling u is a bliss using AliasStudio or Photoshop all day long on a tablet.

>>>Touch screens have actually been available since the 1970s, if they are a much better way for designers to work, wouldn't you have thought it would have happened in the last 30 years?

I wish was that simple, there many variables you have to take in to account, one of them is price, and how many hardware/software vendors could provide solutions at a reasonable cost ?
But now days you can get an iPod touch for $150.00...soon a tablet computers for $300-500.
Oh here is a funny example, Autodesk SketchBook, Users have purchased more than 140,000 copies and have downloaded more than 900,000 copies of the free version on the App Store...hmm Not bad $450.000 in two months. How many copies you think they will sell when the apple tablet is out?

>>>You can easily pretend that this new function does not exist, it does not get in your way or interfere with the existing normal operation on a tablet.

No comments on this one :(

Thanks again for your time and input.