fillet issue

 From:  Michael Gibson
3105.49 In reply to 3105.48 
Hi Burr, the singularity goes to be opposite of the first curve that was picked.

So for instance in your arrangement you probably would want the singularity/pole point to be at the very top, that would be most similar to a surface of revolution and make the 2 similar curves behave more symmetrical to one another:

So to do that, pick this curve first:

Now if you turn on surface control points, you will see that they kind of start at that first pick curve and collapse down to a single point opposite of it like this:

If you instead pick one like this:

Then if you turn on control points you can see that it will collapse down towards the opposite of it, but that gives a kind of asymmetry:

But really revolve or rail revolve is much better for something that pivots like this.

- Michael