Hi Burr,
> My question regarding "Add Point method, is how to
> get the point added to be the same distance from the
> point to be removed on both sides?
Sorry, I'm not sure if I totally understand what you are doing there, but there is an alternate mode for "Add point" which will kick in if you do not have the control points for the curve turned on.
When you have control points turned on, when you use "Add point", it will snap to points on the control polygon hull, this is the "Add control point" mode.
If you have control points turned off (or if you manage to find a spot on a curve that is not nearby a control point hull when they are turned on), then when you click on a curve it will insert a point in "Add knot" mode.
When you add a control point, the other control points of the curve remain in place, and the curve may shift in shape a bit.
When you add a knot, it is the reverse - the control points of the curve will shift around a bit but the curve's shape remains 100% identical to its previous shape.
So if you want to fuse segments together but maintain the shape closely, you can do that by adding knots to either side of the join point and then go in and delete the control point at the join, that should minimize changes in shape to the curve.
In the future I do expect to add a more direct way for fusing curves together into single segments.
- Michael