fillet issue

 From:  Michael Gibson
3105.34 In reply to 3105.28 
Hi Will,
If possible, please consider collecting up these tidbits - especially the GIFs and create perhaps a Troubleshooting / Best Practices wiki area or perhaps a section in the User's manual or a seperate manual on tips, troubleshooting and best practices. ;-)

Actually, there is already a section in the wiki for that, it's the tutorials section here:

That's essentially all that a tutorial is - an illustration of best practices and a solution to a specific modeling problem.

That tends to be the best way to illustrate things, because it just does not work very well to try and discuss the "best practices" in isolation, it tends to make more sense when you see them in action working on a particular model, which is a tutorial.

Over time I do intend to add additional tutorials, I hope I will be able to do some additional ones when I switch focus to documentation after the last v2 beta is complete.

- Michael