fillet issue

 From:  BurrMan
3105.31 In reply to 3105.30 
My solution to fileting issues to to try and remove the seame edge from the area that has problems. So MoI will produce the same result as the ViaCad Model if you can eliminate that seam edge in the top surface:

My method was to replace the point in the profile of the part. I could either "RebuildCurve" or "Add Point"

My question regarding "Add Point method, is how to get the point added to be the same distance from the point to be removed on both sides? I could, for this model just copy or mirror, but in the case of to different sides, I couldnt do that. Trying to keep both of those the same through the add point/remove point op. (The other side meaning the opposite side of the model)

Also, what is the best "position" for the 2 points added, to try to maintain the original curves shape?

If this is not clear question, let me know and I will illustrate better.


EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN