Hello All,
I've been a rhino user for years, and have loosely followed development of MOI since it was first announced. I don't have a wacom pad and haven't been able to justify a MOI purchase yet, so I don't know much about the program.
What I'm starting to do is look into the possibility of taking a small, highly portable windows 7 tablet and using it (possibly) with MOI to have an always handy pen input 3D sketchpad. I would use this to draw field conditions in my day job as an architect (rather than sketching on paper and taking it back to the office to daft), as well as a looser putting down of ideas for everything from custom furniture to light fixtures. Originally I thought I'd just wait for the apple tablet, but since it looks like that's more like a big iphone/ebook reader, I'm looking at other options.
Has anyone put MOI on such a tablet? I'd appreciate if anyone could offer input on performance/usability/etc. Below is a list of devices and pros/cons I've come up with so far.
Archos 9
Pro: small, light, price
Con: limited specs, win7 starter, touchscreen looks like it's not good enough for drawing
EviGroup Pad
Pro: decent specs, ram and HD are upgradeable, seemingly nice screen input
Con: size, price, limited production from a smaller company that's across an ocean if something goes wrong.
Lbook T9.
Pro: Price, ?
con: not out till march.