
 From:  Michael Gibson
3066.10 In reply to 3066.7 
Hi andras,

> I guess the tolerance settings in moi is fix, not available to set

Currently some pieces are fixed at 0.001 units, but other pieces have a relative tolerance factor that is calculated to be some fraction of the bounding size of the objects involved instead of being only a single global fixed value.

I'm generally moving more and more pieces to the relative tolerance method, that's actually how I'm able to fix the different problems that you recently posted where very small segments with extrude or planar were not working.

Having only one fixed tolerance value like how Rhino is set up tends to cause a lot of problems.

One thing that is really bad with having a settable single tolerance is when you receive a file from someone where they have set the tolerance to some value that you are not expecting, like really looser than you normally use. Then when you try to build a new shape after loading that file, it tends to be very surprising that things are way looser than you normally see. It's a problem that Rhino users run into fairly often when using files sent by other people.

- Michael