
 From:  DDB
3034.43 In reply to 3034.41 
3034.41 In reply to 3034.36
Hi David,

> Another approach would be arraying them (both
> prongs and gems) along a representative created
> uv surface and flowing everything back to the original
> surface as is currently done in Rhino.

I thought a bit about this, that maybe you would arrange things all along a line initially and then have the command take the spacing exactly from that 2D arrangement and try to place it along the curve.

But Jesse was describing originally about wanting to be able to control the spacing in between items as a parameter to the command so you could adjust it to different values.

- Michael


One could make a center line within the surface and have the stones follow the center line. The width of the stones could imply additional lines on either side of the center line which would be attached to the prongs. 2D works fine for me, as your going to get exactly what you lay out. What Jesse was talking about works too. Basically it ends up with what is the best or most efficient way to program the process so that it works correctly and doesn't impact other functions. When you sit down and give this some thought there are many scenarios by which this could be accomplished...none of them wrong. It's the end result that counts.

Currently, (I use Matrix/Rhino) I will sometimes use the builders to generate prongs and get them close to where I want them, and then group and rearrange what works. I find that many times I kill off one side than arrange the other side of the prongs exactly the way that I want them and then mirror.

No matter which way you make it work people will use it in a manner in which works for THEM and with which they feel comfortable. I know that the newer users of Matrix freak out when a builder doesn't give them what they want. They know no other way in which to work but with the builder. Older users, or pure Rhino users don't have that problem because they don't have to rely on builders to get what they want. It may require a little more thought and some effort but they are not dead in the water.
