Hi Jesse,
> However, the area of the stone (that needs to be spaced correctly)
> which is most critical is the "girdle" which is the widest circumference
> where the top and bottom facets meet on the sides.
That's kind of what I was figuring - that method of spacing the "shortest line between each circle" would most closely follow this I think, because you would place each circle as a model of that "girdle" that you are talking about.
The path curve is kind of an imaginary thing once the final piece is built, right? So I was thinking that trying to make equal distances "as traveled along the curve" would probably not be what you would be focused on for the actual result.
Re: Prongs - the prong stuff must also get complicated when you have changes in size happening? Do the prongs also change in size when that happens?
If you can come up with a simple rule for how the prong placement would work, that could make it possible to also include. From your drawing it looks like something along the lines of "take the midpoint of the line between 2 circles and travel along that line's perpendicular by a certain distance" to place a prong. If the distance to offset along the perpendicular could be automatically calculated based off of the size of the 2 stones that would be good.
- Michael