Hi Michael,
I see what you mean... it's not out of the question that we'd run into a situation like your example.
I think your 1st version using "distance along the path curve" would accomplish the desired result.
But... could the object's "normal" relationship to the surface still be maintained?
Could the objects be uniform in size as well as graduated in size? A lot of times, the stones will be the same size.
Right now, we work with the diameter of the stones and the length of the curve to determine
the spacing of uniform objects. If the array doesn't work out with the desired spacing, then we have to either
change the length of the curve or the stone size, each dependent on constraints dictated by
the shape and size of the model as well as where we want the stones to go on the model.
Would it be possible to scale a uniform in size bunch of objects to fit a certain spacing along a curve
while placing them normal to the surface? Probably too complicated?
Colin's assumption is correct. I know Matrix does the kinds of things that ArraycrvPLUS does, but I'm not sure about RhinoGold.
I'll dig up a model as an example to send to you. I hope you don't think I'm asking for too much... :-)
I just want to explore some options because I don't know what's technically outside of the realm of realistic possibilities.