Export Script

 From:  Michael Gibson
3025.4 In reply to 3025.3 
Hi Crusoe, I think I get the idea and scripting something along those lines should be possible.

Still need a few details to be cleared up though -

> I'd like to hit a button, "export all" (or maybe all visible)

Which one, everything or skip hidden objects?

> chose the filetype

This part is probably a bit difficult since there is not any kind of "filetype" picker set up, only things to get a full file name. So probably the script would have a fixed file type associated with it and you could edit the script to control the file type.

> and have it save each named group to a different file with
> the group name as part of the filename.

Into which folder would you want the files saved to?

Files don't normally just get created on the computer with a single simple isolated name, they need to go into a folder somewhere.

Or do you mean that the object names will include a full path with a folder name in it?

- Michael