"Well, one basic way to get the distance between 2 points is to draw a line, and look at the distance readout in the bottom toolbar here:"
I know this is wishing for alot at this stage of V2, but could we not have a "tape measure" button that does not draw a line but still shows a readout in the bottom of the toolbar. maybe 2 click points shows a distance . 4/3 click points shows the angle between 2 lines. It more for me as a designer to quickly check a dimension. ( I would be happy with just being able to check a distance at this stage)
Because I sometimes use files for CNC cutting, its a big gripe of mine to have additional "unwanted rogue" lines all over the place. It can cause problems for CAM software.
I know this "wish" might not make it to V2. but I struggle to see how anyone can design something for the real world, without being able to check basic measurments.
Still love the product. Thanks again.