Hi Tree, looks like Burr has you covered above, thanks Burr!.
> More than likely, it's me creating sloppy cuts/curves. I
> tend to overlook that while prototyping objects. Which, in
> turn gives me problems later :)
Yeah there are a few particular commands that are not very tolerant of inexact kinds of things, most notably Offset, Shell, and Fillet.
The problems tend to be when those commands attempt to extend pieces and then intersect the extensions with one another.
If you have surfaces that kind of come close to one another (in either position or also in tangency) but are not quite accurate it can tend to cause problems and messy results. There tends to be things generated like little slivery connecting pieces, stuff like that.
If you're not planning on doing Offset, Shell, or Fillet, you can tend to be more free to just stick things together quickly without much care, but if you are planning on using any of these commands it is better to take some care to ensure the initial curve framework is all ship-shape to avoid problems.
- Michael