Better suited gallery

 From:  falcon76
2949.9 In reply to 2949.8 
In my opinion gallery it's ok like that.
Maybe when Michael would like to modified the website, the best models (without render) can be shown in the home page with a sort of slideshow (like in almost all render engine website) in order to shown the real power of Moi (without "external help).
There are a lot of really good models that deserve more visibility (spidieBot by dave davidson, edirol By DesuDeus, Focus WRC By Marco Loisi, FERRARI 599GTB By lyes, Hydraulic Connector By Grendel, deep down below By Dirk Vincenz, NRX-GS & NandP Robot By PaQ, Patient Room By Ray Sun,Olympus 790SW By Erwan Loison ........). Obviously the list is not complete at all... just personal feeling ;-)

My 2 cents...

EDITED: 28 Sep 2009 by FALCON76