List of objects ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2944.4 In reply to 2944.3 
Hi Pilou,

> A simple list that you can copy in a Text prog!

I guess you mean copying the names as clipboard text or something like that?

It would be possible to make a plug-in that would do that.

But I can't see why you would expect to have that as part of the regular UI... What is the purpose that you would use it for again? Maybe you could give an example?

> Yes but when you click on the list you can see it
> at the screen
> Usefull when you have a lot of objects unnamed on the scene
> and don't easy to click on the screen !
> But maybe I am wrong

You mean you would click on every item listed as "unnamed" to see them highlight in the viewport?

I don't see how that would be useful, what would be the purpose for doing that?

If you want to have a particular object show up in the list, select it in the viewport and then assign it a name and then it will be in the list.

- Michael