Hi Michael. Many tablet stylii are double-ended. the other end having the function of an eraser in bitmap programs. So i think it could be possible to use the "eraser" end of a stylus to draw a closed curve that could auto-trim (or auto-split) any curves that fall within it's area. Of course, it would be necessary that the eraser curve is closed automatically, and will delete itself immeditaely after performing it's function. Maybe this could be set up to work within the sketch tool. So it's not required to exit the sketch tool?... For mouse users like myself (and those with a single-ended stylus), perhaps ALT+LMB would handle the eraser function... I see a few basic checkbox options for this eraser method:
**auto-split or to auto-trim?
**trim/split curves which are inside or outside of the trim curve?
**use apparent intersections (view-based), or act perpendicular to Cplane?
**act on pre-existing curves? If curves were pre-selected, it should be limited to those curves only