Dear Michael, dear Jesse,
I have been, like too many jewellers, scared of CAD, although many jewellers for whom I am consultant use Rhino, JewelCAD, Ideas and whatever suited their particular needs.
Till I came upon MoI, I was unsure if, at my age, I could teach myself enough. After using the MoI programme with a tablet and stylus, I am convinced that any "pencil" designer like me could be converted into an MoI aficionado in MINUTES. I was.
Jesse's tutorial is great, detailed and simple to follow as a first project.
However, Michael, I still have a problem: Having been a " 6B pencil on Whatman paper" sort of designer since my early teens (aaah! fifty years ago),
I do not feel comfortable having to go back to picking the tool each time I make a new stroke, especially when freehand sketching.
I greatly feel that the MAIN strength of MoI, is the ability to scribble and scrape away. A sort of artistic freedom. This freedom of movement is fettered somewhat (OK, fettered very much) by the need to go back to tools every time my stylus lifts off the tablet. It hampers my "muscular memory" in making strokes.
Michael, the feature I would appreciate the MOST, as an artist, would be a "Lock" on, say, the freeform sketch tool. Click it once, and then draw away as one's hand moves; no breaking of the "flow" by constant picking of the tool. Michael, is this possible at all? For me, and I suspect MANY others like me, it would be a real step forward.
The next thing, not quite so important, but nice to have, would be an "erase" tool. Not an "Undo"; no, an erase which enables one to remove part of a curve freely drawn as above. A sketching artist finds a lot of lines left over, say light "bridge strokes" between the strong actually wanted lines. An ability to remove that detritus with an eraser (rather than going backward and forwards to the trimming process), would be SO nice!
Michael, I am hooked solidly on your programme, I have introduced many of my clients to it, and tried to show them a "better" way.
Keep it simple, please. Fr'instance: It does not matter (to the likes of me) that you have fixed the distance to .001, rather than give a choice to the user. Does not matter. Simplify, simplify. Elegance IS simplicity in my book. Take away, take away, till a beautiful, exquisite elegant simplicity is all that is left. At least at first installation, as default start; any other frill or dozens of frills can be added as required by the user.
I apologise if I am lecturing to a master, but MoI has enraptured me, and who does not want his love to be perfect?