Autodesk SketchBook for iPhone

 From:  Michael Gibson
2928.8 In reply to 2928.7 
Hi NightCabbage,

> Mmm, but if you have any group of curves that are
> joined together, you can make a surface out of it

Well, no not necessarily - at least not a NURBS surface anyway.

A NURBS surface generally requires a 3 or 4 sided layout to the curve structure in order to generate a surface from it.

Part of that is because the fundamental definition of a NURBS surface is given by a regular M x N grid of points, not just a big heap of unordered points.

The other part is you are also assuming that the sketched curves are joined together and touching one another. From what I saw from some of the results in some of the videos, that does not seem to be guaranteed.

There is a general problem with these kinds of things that if you allow more freedom to just make things generally follow the mouse around, it becomes difficult to also make things touch and join with one another at the same time.

EDIT: oops, I see that you were not talking necessarily about NURBS, but even if you are trying to make a mesh if you don't have a curve structure that all fits together it can easily have kind of contradictory forces being applied to it...

- Michael