Export to Illustrator

 From:  Michael Gibson
2927.2 In reply to 2927.1 
Hi Bart, yes MoI does not currently create what are called "silhouette" curves.

That's something that is already on the list to add in the future, but I'm not sure exactly when it will happen.

In the meantime, it is possible to export your models to some other CAD software to generate hidden-line drawings with silhouettes. Probably the easiest one to use for that is ViaCAD which is pretty inexpensive ($99):

The way this usually works in CAD programs is that you first set up a "drawing sheet" which is basically a preparation of a printed page and that transforms the 3D objects into 2D drawings with silhouettes and hidden line styles, etc... So you do that step first (in ViaCAD there is a button called "Model to sheet" which does this) which generates the 2D representation and then I think you can export the 2D curves that show up in that sheet view.

- Michael