how to get this nice and smooth shape like this

 From:  Michael Gibson
2916.4 In reply to 2916.3 
Hi Olga, well for the most part your ring is looking pretty good.

Like for example the bottom part here:

That seems to be looking good, is that part how you want it or are you trying to do something different in that area as well?

It looks like your problem is a wiggle in the top part. Probably the easiest way to avoid that would be to cut things off so that you don't try to build the upper part all in the same sweep as the other parts.

Note that in Jesse's version the curve framework terminates at the top area:

If you do the same with yours it will probably give you a better shape at the top and make it like the image you posted.

It looks like the wiggle in the top for your case is caused by the inclusion of this profile:

That profile is some distance away from the rail, so it causes the sweep to flare out at that spot, creating the bulge in that area that you don't seem to want.

Sometimes when you get bulges like that it is an indication that you're trying to apply too much pressure on things during a single surface construction. Sometimes when this happens it is good to try and reduce the amount of stuff that you are trying to build all in one shot, and try to make some parts as separate pieces instead of all at once.

- Michael